Assembly | Customized with high competence

Assembly | Nordholm's

Over the years we have manufactured a large number of complex modules for above all the pharmaceutical and food industries and currently we two systems/week to customer.

To explain the complexity of our assemblies, a typical unit for the pharmaceutical industry consists of around 200 unique items, contains around 35 welding drawings and around 100 pipe welds. 

Our employees have a high level of competence in reading drawings and mechanical installations, and to enable a perfect work, we have several pieces of equipment at our disposal.  



Purchasing and warehouse/logistics

 För att hantera denna komplexa typ av systembyggnation har vi byggt upp en organisation för inköp, lager och logistik.  Utifrån beredningarna, som våra projektledare bygger, genereras materialbehov och inköpsförslag i vårt MPS-system. MPS-systemet har stöd för spårbarhet på det köpta materialet likväl som för det vi tillverkar.

Another important aspect is the long-term cooperation with our suppliers that we have built up, which leads to us solving many problems together. 

